


上週二8月10日,ASN活動公關Samantha前往桃園北健有線電視參加「bbtv最好看 HD電視歡樂送」節目錄影,和觀眾介紹ASN全美運動網的精采賽事轉播與節目。


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It has been a record breaking year for attendance at the 2010 Taipei ComicCon. I read that more than 95,000 people packed into Taipei’s World Trade Center on the first day of the event. Perhaps it has to do with the rebound of the economy, trickling down to the teenagers, who may lack independent earning power but are benefiting from the hard-earned, yet more generously doled out, allowance money from parents. 

As I do every year without fail, I trekked over to the ComicCon to check out the latest trends.  It seemed largely the same as every other year.  Japanese comic books, merchandise, and novels dominated the scene.  Some of the telcos have begun collaborating with publishers by making mobile comic books and animation available to their subscribers.  You had your One Piece, Naruto, titles catering to girls, titles catering to boys.  Aside from the popular titles, it has become increasingly difficult for me to differentiate one series from another.  Perhaps it is age?

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ASN HOckey Fathers Day nolink



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Yesterday, several Government representative and industry specialists visited our office to discuss an ongoing animation project.  Our conversation eventually strayed to the development of WiMAX in Taiwan. 


It is a given that people will soon be using 4G wireless broadband technologies like WiMAX to do things like watch HD video on their (still unavailable in Taiwan) iPads.  However, the specific role of WiMAX in this coming 4G wireless ecology is still in question. 

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Inaugural Edition

Two announcements over the past few weeks have given me a tremendous boost of confidence: they affirmed in small part what it is that I have been doing in Taiwan for the past 6-odd years. 

These two announcements are 1) the much anticipated signing of ECFA between Taiwan and China, and 2) the proclamation of Taiwan’s Digital Convergence Development Initiative. 

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Exclusive Taiwan Distribution of AFP Video Secured by Portico Media




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The World Cup Final is this Sunday, and please take a look at our Kidsco Animation World Cup tribute!

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Portico Media Welcomes Neighbor Shogakukan to Kaohsiung Science Park


日本小學館社長來訪 陳菊積極推展文創產業

記者何沛霖/高市報導    (2010/07/07 19:52)

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