






「中央廣播電台」提供最即時新聞與多元文化的台灣新聞,透過12種不同語言給世界各地的聽眾認識台灣。想知道更多訪談內容,請至中央廣播電台官方網站: www.rti.org.tw




Mr. Lin was invited by Radio Taiwan International (RTI)  to speak to the world listeners regarding the latest developments in Taiwan’s animation and content distribution industry.  In the weekly program which is aired to shortwave radio listeners across the world, from Japan to Russia, from US to Brazil, Mr. Lin shared his views on the collaboration opportunities between China, Japan and Taiwan, three countries in which he believes hold strong opportunities and possibilities to jointly create content that can usher in a new style and wave of animation content.


Mr. Lin also shared his experience in distributing content to the various plaforms: TV, mobile and internet in Taiwan.  With all the changes within Taiwan’s regulations, content aggregators and distributors like Portico Media have  become vital,  neutral  gatekeepers of content.  It is also important for the gatekeeper to have the total technical solution to bring the content onto the multiplying plafforms. and all solution provider for the multiplying platforms.


RTI broadcast the latest news, cultural, and societal news and events from Taiwan.  It broadcasts in 12 different languages.  For more information and to listen to the radio interview, go to:  www.rti.org.tw  




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