Omnibus Japan



 We visited one of the biggest post-production companies in Japan, Omnibus.  We listened to two producers talk about the making of their HD commercials and short movies.  The list of state of the art equipment at Omnibus is nothing short of mind-boggling.  Omnibus has 3 offices and one of the directors for the Sony Bravia CM gave us a run-down of how he did the commercial.  Also, he also showed us two short films that he did: one shot entirely in snow and the other during nighttime and very fast action.  I think the point here was to show the capability of the Sony HD cameras, and I must admit that it is quite amazing.

 我們參觀了日本最大後製公司之一的Omnibus,並且有機會聆聽兩位名製作人談到關於製作HD廣告與短片之經驗。Omnibus所擁有的先進裝置與設備名單,著實令人驚訝。Omnibus擁有三個辦公室,其中Sony Bravia的廣告執行長向我們展現他們的廣告流程。除此之外,他也播放其負責製作的兩部短片:其中一幕全部都是雪,下一幕是在半夜時分,並且都是在高速中進行。我認為他的用意在於展現出Sony HD攝影機的強大能力,而我也必須承認這些技術與科技讓人感到相當驚艷。


 We have much to experiment here in Taiwan or in general in Greater China, but I believe that shortly we will be all functioning in HD, and companies like Omnibus play such an important role as a facilitator and enable of these contents, whether movies, TV episodes or commercials.




 For more information on Omnibus Japan, please check:





●圖為Omnibus Japan公司




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