
【難忘的寶貴課程-Yasuma Sosuke老師】

Saving the Best Lecturer for Last-Mr. Yasuma



 The greatest lecturer or at least the lecturer that made the most impact to me was the lecturer: Mr. Yasuma Sosuke.  I think this is because he is already such a senior producer that he gives annual courses to all the producers in NHK and also that he is currently a professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo in Technology.  Therefore, he has sufficient teaching experience to impart what he wants the students to learn directly and effectively.  He also spoke in English the whole time, which allowed more time for me to deliver more of what he wanted to express to us.

 目前為止最棒的一堂課,或至少是影響我最大的講師是:Yasuma Sosuke先生。 我想其中一個原因在於他是NHK裡的資深講師,每年都有固定為各大製作人授課,目前更是東京工業大學的教授。因此,他擁有足夠的上課經歷,有效地與直接地傳授他希望學生能夠瞭解地最新知識。他也採取英文授課,讓我有能擁有更多地時間來吸收與傳達他希望我們能瞭解的內容。

   His lecture was essentially divided into 4 parts:

 ●  New Service of Digital Broadcasting

 ●  HD & Interactive Production---The Difference?

 ●  New problem and one solution- Co-Production

 ●  Warning for digital producer



  ● 數位轉播新服務

  ● HD與互動式產品—不同之處?

  ● 新問題與解決方式—共同製作

  ● 對數位內容製作人的警告


 It is of course difficult for a lecturer to cover so many topics in a day but he was able to deliver the kernel of each topic.  He clearly explained to us the state of digital development in Japan, the new challenges in HD, the pitfalls in co-production, and ethical standard to uphold in the digital age.


 想要短短的一堂課就完整的說明如此多之議題是非常困難的事,但是他卻能夠精準的傳達各個議題的精要之處。 他清楚的向我們解說當前日本數位發展現況、HD所面臨之困境、合製的危機與數位時代的道德議題。


 Taiwan does indeed need to study how Japan is facing digitalization, and a lot of this requires a lot of trail and error.  But, at the same time, Mr. Yasuma gave certain guidelines as to how we should experiment with digitalization and HD.  He also had plenty of video clips to make the class fast-paced and brimming with multi-media usage.

 台灣確實該好好的瞭解日本是如何面對電視數位化,瞭解這一切是需要很多的實驗與失敗經驗。 同時間,Yasuma先生提出一些特別的指示方針,例如:我們如何去實驗數位化與HD化。 更提供大量的短片讓學員們觀看,讓課堂上充滿了多媒體的氣氛。








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