【與尼可兒童頻道資深製作人David Marshall對談】
Conversation with David Marshall,
Senior Producer/Director of Nickelodeon
●圖為杰德林志杰執行長(左)與David Marshall(右)合影。
Listened to Mr. David Marshall of Nickelodeon talk about his experience in animation workflow and his advice and suggestions on animation content development. David has over 35 years of animation production and directing experience, and one thing he said resonated with me, and will continue to resonate with me. It is something that I have often forgotten living in a small market and needing to export our content to overseas in order to make it a logical business proposition.
有機會聽到尼可兒童頻道(Nickelodeon)的資深作人David Marshall先生談論其在卡通動畫的製作經驗與節目內容發展的一些建議。David擁有超過35年的動畫製作資歷,其中他提到的一個觀念深深地烙印在我腦海中。就是我總是忘記自己身處在小市場,並且需要努力外銷自己的節目內容到其他國家,這樣才是一個正確的商業觀念。
He said to me, “Make sure that you are doing something from the heart and that you believe in the property that you are developing. Don’t care and don’t get stuck in thinking about the international market. Create something that you believe in.” He also said that for him the story and the characters, not so much the design but how these characters can relate to the audience, are the key drivers of success.
他對我說:「確定自己是發自內心要來做這項事業,並且打從心裡相信你正在努力推銷的產品。 不要理會、不要讓自己陷入國際市場的迷思當中。 創造你打從心裡相信的事物。」David還提到一個動畫成功的關鍵,不是在於畫風與設計,而是在於故事與角色性格如何打動觀眾並與觀眾溝通。
Of course there was much more that was relayed and I appreciate him and his wife Ping taking time out of their busy schedule to meet and share their thoughts with me. We did this even on a Saturday! It is rare to meet such a passionate creator even after so many decades of experience and also so willing to give and nurture. Although it was a short encounter, but one that is significant in the message relayed to me as I have often times forgotten that what is sustainable is drive from the heart.
David worked in Taiwan on animation for over 10 years during the 80s and 90s. Those times were the apex of Taiwanese animation. I would say right now might be considered one of the nadirs of Taiwanese animation. How will this industry find a way out. . . Well, this requires further collaboration between the industry, government, and the right opportunities.
Oscar Wilde once said, “We might all be in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”
Lastly, David directed a show call, “Ni-Hao, Kai-lan” which is for pre-schoolers but using interactivity and Mandarin. Please check it out http://www.nickjr.com/ni-hao-kai-lan/ as it is one of my favorite shows.
最後,David執導了一部叫做「你好,凱蘭(Ni-Hao, Kai-lan)」的動畫,專為學齡前的小孩所設計的,並且採用互動式與中文。 這是我最喜歡的一部動畫之一,請上:http://www.nickjr.com/ni-hao-kai-lan/
●圖為動畫「你好,凱蘭(Ni-Hao, Kai-lan)」。