Nov 3-5, Hong Kong
Attend the CASBAA Convention for the first time. It was a great even to see everybody all at once, and meet all the channel programmers and operators from the region. The world is good, going digital, and we will be seeing a lot of content never seen before coming into the Taiwan market. This is going to exert humongous pressure on the Taiwanese local industry from the operators to the content producers, but there will be some who will see this as a unique opportunity for collaboration, co-production and finally some internalization in Taiwan. We are very much looking forward to this much anticipated digital evolution. Evolve!
這是我第一次參加亞洲有線與衛星電視廣播協會年會(CASBAA Convention),讓我有機會可以一次與來自全球各地的頻道業者與內容供應商碰面。 目前全世界都處在數位化的潮流當中,在這裡我將看到許多以往在台灣從未出現的節目與頻道。面對這些洪水猛獸般的外國業者,台灣相關產業將會感受到無比巨大的壓力,從節目製作到系統業者無一倖免。但是也可從中發現諸多商機,不論是合作、合製或是最終在地化都是可以討論的面相。我們對於這樣的數位進化契機感到非常期待!