天才之城 第三季(亞洲首播)
MOD 96台 Syfy Universal
9月3日起 每週五晚上10點(頻道附有中文字幕)
Eureka Season 3 (Aisa Premiere)
MOD channel number 96 Syfy Universal
3 September, Fridays 10pm
熱門影集《天才之城》最新一季將繼續揭曉小城大秘密,小鎮內充滿天賦異稟的科學家進行政府機密研究,以及許多外界所無法想像的高科技技術,Jack Carter警長試圖維持小鎮內的治安。他將進一步了解GlobalDynamics研究機構的內部運作,並探索小鎮內古怪居民豐富多彩、相互交織的複雜關係。
Hit series Eureka promises a new season of revelations in the small town with big secrets. Sheriff Jack Carter (Colin Ferguson) attempts to keep the peace in a town full of geniuses conducting top-secret government research with technology far advanced to the outside world. This season digs deeper into the classified, inner workings of research facility Global Dynamics and continues to explore the intertwined personal relationships of Eureka’s colourful and quirky residents. Anything imaginable can happen – and does.
Syfy Original
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