

杰德昨天參加今年度的Digital Taipei台北國際數位內容交流會,杰德執行長表示:「今年活動規模比去年更大,有許多來自中國與世界各地的貴賓和買方代表參加,這對台灣的數位內容產業來說是件好事。」


(Nownews記者曹逸雯/台北報導 )

經濟部長施顏祥昨(6)日在2010 Digital Taipei台北國際數位內容交流會開幕典禮致詞時表示,為加強推動數位內容產業的力道,行政院已通過將透過軟硬整合、多元創作、國際拓銷及整合資源等4 大策略,讓數位內容產業在2013年產值達到7800億元,促成產業投資額1000億元及國際合作金額140億元,創造31500個就業機會。

經濟部工業局今年特別將「台北國際數位內容交流會(Digital Taipei 2010)」、「台日韓數位內容國際論壇」、「亞太數位內容國際論壇」及廠商觀摩交流參訪等活動予以整合,整體規劃為「數位內容週」系列活動,透過多元平台與帶狀活動,邀請來自中國大陸、美國、英國、俄羅斯、伊朗及歐洲地區等國內外業者來台進行合作與交流,並促成國際合作與採購商機。



有關政府推動數位產業發展的部分,經濟部研訂出「數位內容產業旗艦計畫」,包括「產業發展躍進」、「數位內容學院」、「數位學習與典藏」及「國際 領航拓展」等4項行動計畫,將於2013年以前,預計投入38.85億元經費來促進產業發展,推動專業人才培育、促進產業投資、創新產品研發、國際市場行 銷等重點工作,並以政策工具結合民間資源的方式,共同推動台灣的數位內容產業發展。

施顏祥也指出,台灣今年已有多項原創動畫作品登上國際舞台,包括2010賀歲片「歡樂卡滋虎」、以水滸傳為故事藍圖的「水火:108」,與以台灣原住民故事為背景的「魔蹤傳奇」,有的已攻上國際Cartoon Network頻道,或是將在歐美上映。

更多訊息,請上Digital Taipei 2010官網:


Portico Media attended this year's Digital Taipei."The event was even at a larger scale than last year.  A lot of representation from Chinese buyers and VIPs as well as overseas buyers worldwide.  These are all good signs for Taiwan's digital content industry," states Jay Lin, CEO of Portico Media. 



The following is the report from the media:

Digital Taipei 2010 kicks off  Taipei, Sept. 6 (CNA)

This year's Digital Taipei attracted a record high of more than 200 buyers from around the world on its opening day and could bring in millions of dollars as a result of on-site business meetings, the organizers said Monday.

It is the second time Taiwan has held this international digital content event, which the organizers described as a perfect platform for both local and international companies involved in the industry.

"Taiwan, like many other countries, is moving toward the international stage. It is a big step and the reason we are holding this show, " said Oliver Wu, a consultant of the Taipei Computer Association.

The government has come up with various projects and incentives to boost the digital content industry, so it is gradually starting to boom, according to the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

The industry's output value in Taiwan has reached NT$460 billion, Economics Minister Shih Yen-shiang said, adding that Taiwan aims to increase the value to NT$780 billion by 2013, generating 31,500 jobs.

This year, the number of exhibitors and buyers has doubled. Compared to last year's fewer than 20, there are this year almost 50 buyers and exhibitors from foreign countries, including China, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia, Japan and Korea, Wu said.

Foreign countries, especially in the emerging markets, are particularly interested in Taiwan's digital content, said Wu, adding that although the show is not large, it is gaining more and more attention.

"The show is definitely small, but content-wise, I think it's very packed, so it is very interesting for us to be here," said Maxim Matveyko, vice president of Russia's Nival Group's Business Development, adding that he has been to many international shows and is still impressed by Taiwanese game developers.

Matveyko, visiting the show for the first time, said he would make use of this opportunity to bring new games back to his own country and introduce his company's two latest titles to Taiwan and the Asia-Pacific region.

Among the 200 more buyers attending the show, those from China alone account for about 160.

"We have come here to inspect, emulate and seek development and cooperation, " said K.Y. Zhu, secretary-general of the China-based Zhejiang Internet Association.

With various forums and about 130 one-on-one business meetings scheduled to take place on the sidelines of the show, the organizers were hopeful that it can lead to greater potential for markets worldwide, including Taiwan. (By James Lee) ENDITEM/J

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