Law & Order 法網遊龍 犯案動機 第六季
MOD 95台 Universal
Law & Order: Criminal Intent Season 6
MOD channel number 95 Universal
From 1st November, Mondays@ 8pm(with subtitles in Mandarin)
獲得無數獎項的犯罪懸疑影集《法網遊龍:犯案動機》帶來全新第六季內容。本季劇情依然緊扣重大罪案、引領觀眾深入兇嫌的犯罪心理。Julianne Nicholson 本季加入演出,飾演Megan警探,取代Carolyn Barek成為Mike Logan的夥伴。
Award-winning detective drama Law & Order: Criminal Intent returns for another season of criminal action. Season 6 follows the high-profile cases that the Major Case Squad are tasked with and gives viewers an insight into the actions and motives of criminals. Julianne Nicholson (Conviction, Ally McBeal) joins the cast as Detective Megan Wheeler, replacing Detective Carolyn Barek as Mike Logan’s partner this season.
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