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Taipei, Taiwan – March, 2011 - Portico Media concludes the 1st WOWtv Student Film & TV Production Awards. The competition supports the talent and creativity of Taiwan's next generation of film and TV professionals, with a total of US$10,000, up from US$5000, in production assistance funds to be awarded to the 17, up from 13, most outstanding applicants. The jury suggested that Portico Media award 2 1st prize winners, as well as award prices for Best Script, Best Animation and Best Documentary. Winners will have the chance to be mentored from individually by one of the 13 international industry professionals such as Chris Lee (Superman Returns),Nansun Shi (Seven Swords), Arvin Chen (Au Revoir Taipei), and many more. The two 1st Prize Winners, the 2nd Prize Winner and the 3rd Winner all met with two of the local directors on February 22, 2011. Arvin Chen and Wang Wei, a 3-time Golden Horse jury member, were available to do round-robin discussions with the students. Mr. Chen agreed to assist the students with the editing of their movies, while Mr. Wang provided constructive criticism on the scripts.
Portico Media Managing Director Jay Lin says, “We are delighted to award these prizes to some of the most talented film/tv students in Taiwan. In a period of about 2 months, we received close to 100 applications, and many of them are stellar. We hope that we can be of assistance to connect these talents sooner, rather than later, with industry specialists who can help them further fine-tune their craft.” Silver Bear Director Arvin Chen says, “Every I make a movie, I feel like a student, because every film I am learning along the way. When you are making a student film is when you feel more free and liberated.”
The WOWtv Student Film & TV Production Awards will support the talent and creativity of Taiwan's students in multiple ways. The competition will discover some of the country's most promising young talents and provide them with financial support and mentoring during a crucial period in their development. By linking up with Portico Media and WOWtv, award winners will have the opportunity to showcase their works via WOWtv and Portico-sponsored events, reaching a much broader community than graduation exhibitions alone can provide. The mentoring connections with an international group of industry professionals will also provide winners with a link to exciting potential post-graduation opportunities, both in Taiwan and beyond.
For more information (In Chinese only) about the awardees and this Award, visit www.facebook.com/wowtvclub and click on WOW挺你 (in Chinese).
About WOWtv and Portico Media:
WOWtv is a collection of premium international channels, including DIVA Universal, Syfy Universal, Universal Channel, KidsCo, CNBC, DW-TV Asia +, Euronews, Arirang, and TV5 Monde, as well as original WOWtv content, all available on Chunghwa Telecom's MOD platform in Taiwan. Portico Media is an innovative media management company committed to bringing premium international content to Taiwan while also supporting the growth and internationalization of domestic TV production.
台灣藝術大學:陳勝吉《 老冬新春 》
政治大學:陳克威《 交換禮物 》
世新大學:林姵君 《 母愛專賣 》
世新大學:練健輝 《 再演一齣戲‧Encore 》
亞太創意技術學院:鄭守智 《 腥聞 》
淡江大學:何秉倫 《 外星爺爺 》
台灣藝術大學:王文玨 《 HERO 》
大仁科技大學:蔡文章 《 GAMER 》
輔仁大學:林玥伶 《 晚秋 》
靜宜大學:江媺炘 《 騙刻溫柔Close to you 》
大葉大學:李家儀 《 限乘一人 》
政治大學:吳岱芸 《 翻個牆 》
世新大學:林勇丞 《 聽見 》
雲林科技大學:廖冠凱 《 如果我當家》
朝陽科技大學:李修齊 《 阿嬤的反擊 》
交通大學:陳怡儒 《 偶,像 》
大葉大學:李俞萱 《 結晶 》
(1) 陳駿霖,電影「一頁台北」導演。
(2) Chris Lee ,電影「超人再起」總監。
(3) 施南生,香港影視巨匠,電影「七劍」製作人。
(4)和泉將一,日本知名動畫公司 Madhouse (包括「花田少年史」、「夏日大作戰」和動畫名導今敏作品「千年女優」等知名作品) 大中華區總監。
(5)Ivy Ho,Irresistible Films執行長 (Irresistible Films 由「臥虎藏龍」製作人江志強與Avex艾迴唱片公司合資)。
(6)Katherine Lee 大導演陳可辛電影公司(人人電影)行銷總監。
(7) Quentin Lee,美裔華人導演。
(8) Leo S. Chiang ,美裔華人紀錄片導演 。
(9) 王瑋 ,資深影評人,影視製作人暨編劇 。 . . . 等十三位國內外重量級名師。